Stephen Pokawin reflects on the period 1972-1974 and the work of the Constitutional Planning Committee and senior public servants in preparing the country for independence. He discusses the importance of managing the different groupings in PNG.
Stephen Pokawin reflects on the regional politics between self government and independence, especially in relation to New Britain and Bougainville. He discusses the splits in the country by party and region.
Lawrence Titimur relates how he was approached by Henry Moses, President of the Bougainville Mining Workers Association, to become General Secretary of the Trades Union Congress. He relates how he accepted and appointed John Paska as his deputy.
Charles Lepani describes his involvement in the Bougainville Copper Mine strike, and ongoing discussions with Bougainville in the lead up to Independence.
Michael Somare reflects on the things that he would have done differently, including the need to review the system of local government and the difficulties of small islands like Bougainville.
Michael Somare discusses his decision when elected in 1968 to the House of Assembly not to be a minister, but to wait. He recalls the issues of that parliament including the Matanguan situation, Bougainville, and the parliamentary committee visit to Africa with Paul Lapun and Tei Abal.